Brand Awareness

Use Case for a Brand Awareness Campaign Arrow

… let’s think about brand awareness.

In this use case scenario … you are responsible for Brand Awareness at ACME Corporation.

Acme Corporation is a B2B company that wants to generate more website traffic and conversions.

Currently, the Acme website generates a couple of thousand new and repeat visitors per month. And the Acme site converts about 1% of their traffic into online leads.

In the past, Acme has invested in pay-per-click advertising on Google and LinkedIn. But the results were not favorable. Most of the paid traffic produced high bounce rates and an expensive cost-per-lead.

As the CMO of Acme … you understand that in order to keep your CRM pipeline full of qualified leads, Acme has to invest in paid advertising. But what’s the right strategy?

The reality of this use case scenario is that you may have to launch a paid brand awareness campaign, instead of a lead generation campaign.

Based on your experience, increasing website traffic and online conversions is a long-term commitment. And it’s your job to set this expectation with other stakeholders.

The purpose of a brand awareness campaign is to increase brand recall in the minds of your target customers … this is very important.

Wikipedia defines brand awareness as:

Brand awareness refers to the extent to which customers are able to recall or recognize a brand. Brand awareness is a key consideration in consumer behavior, advertising management, brand management and strategy development. The consumer’s ability to recognize or recall a brand is central to purchasing decision-making.

You’ve heard this saying before, “people buy from people (brands) they know, like, and trust“.

This fact has been proven to be true in your marketing career and that’s why a brand awareness campaign is required to increase traffic and conversions.

How to Approach:

You know that an effective brand awareness campaign must be researched, planned, produced, managed, analyzed, and optimized over the lifetime of the campaign. You want to launch and run a brand awareness campaign for Acme for at least 3-months.

Document the goals, objectives and KPIs for your brand awareness campaign. Prepare yourself to strategically discuss the purpose, goals, objectives, KPIs, and budget for a campaign with your project stakeholders.

How to Plan:

All successful marketing campaigns start with research.

Schedule time to research your top competitors, your website users, and your customers. Your task is to collect, analyze, and report the data from your research.

In this research phase, create a SWOT analysis containing data about your competitors, website users, and customers.

Here’s the data you need to collect:

    • Competitor Advertising & Marketing Campaign Data
    • Website & App User Experience Testing Data
    • Customer Experience & Feedback Survey Data

How to Get Started:

    1. Use a tool like SpyFu to analyze your competition’s keywords and ad campaigns
    2. Use software like UserTesting to collect valuable feedback from your website and app users
    3. Use software like to survey your customers using Net Promoter Score

Next Steps:

    1. Analyze the data and prepare your case for a brand awareness campaign
    2. Present your SWOT reports to your project stakeholders and have an open discussion about your findings
    3. Meet with your marketing teammates and ideate a content marketing strategy for your brand awareness campaign
Anthony Ragland
Published On: February 24, 2020 9:47 AM EST

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Research for Brand Awareness Campaign Arrow

o improve brand experience, begin by conducting active qualitative research of your market, customer, user, and employee experiences. Collect, analyze, and report the data and research findings. Look for patterns and clusters during the data analysis phase to uncover quick wins and revenue opportunites to improve brand experience.


How I Applied It

I’ve used brand research, also known as Voice-of-the-Customer (VoC) Researh, in the following businesses use cases:

  • Custom acuquistion is stagnant and not growing
  • Company is not researching customers, users, and market
  • Company is actively planning or executing a growth plan

The Principle

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Anthony Ragland
Published On: February 24, 2020 9:47 AM EST

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