Marketing KPIS

Use Case Scenario for a Marketing Analytics Arrow

… let’s think about marketing analytics.

In this use case scenario … you are responsible for marketing analytics at ACME Corporation.

As the new CMO …

you want to focus your marketing team on the key performance indicators (KPIs) that matter most to ACME’s top-line revenue.

Often times marketing teams focus too much on vanity metrics.

Vaniety metrics are things like website traffic, pageviews, social media likes, and email open rates. These types of metrics are easily manipulated, and do not necessarily correlate to revenue.

Below is a list of KPIs that matter most to you, the CEO, and other executive members.

  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
  • Time to Payback CAC
  • Cost Per Sales Qualified Lead (SQL)
  • Cost Per Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)
  • SQL and MQL Conversion Rate
  • Average Length of Sales Cycle
  • Deal Win Rate
  • Deal Loss Reasons
  • Customer Lifetime Value
  • Churn Rate
  • Net Promoter Score
  • Marketing Cost
  • Marketing Return on Investment
  • Website Conversion Rate
  • % of Organic Website Traffic
Anthony Ragland
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