Google Advertising

Use Case to Audit Your Google Ads Account Arrow

… let’s think about Google advertising.

ACME Corporation hired an agency 12-months ago to manage their Google Ads campaign.

ACME spends $8,000 per month on Google Ads. And the agency charges $2,000 per month in management fees.

As the new CMO, your first priority is to audit the agency and ACME’s Google Ads account.

This project is urgent because the agency’s contract is up for renewal next month.

How would you approach this scenario, ?

Here’s what I did.

I called our agency account manager to introduce myself as the person responsible for marketing at ACME.

In my experience, it’s best to have a friendly tone, but assertive demeanor with account managers to get things done.

We discussed my plan to audit ACME’s Google Ads account. And we discussed the terms of their contract renewal.

Upon request, the agency provided me with monthly performance reports from ACME’s Google Ads campaign.

The reports were both impressive and massive. They contained tons of data. But from a CMO’s perspective … the reports were bloated with vanity metrics.

Vanity metrics can be manipulated and misunderstood.

As CMO, you only want reports that contain the key performance indicators (KPIs) that really matter. Metrics that correlate to revenue.

Seer Interactive, a leading digital marketing agency, estimates that $17 billion dollars per year are wasted on irrelevant keyword advertising on Google … $17 billion dollars is more than Starbuck’s annual revenue.


Based on my own experience managing paid search campaigns  … I believe Seer Interactive’s findings to be true.

Irrelevant keyword spending is a big problem for a lot of businesses.

, here’s a Google Ads principle to live by …

In a pay-per-click advertising world … it’s better to pay for relevant keyword clicks.


After my analysis of ACME’s Google Ads account and campaigns, it revealed the majority of ACME Google Ads budget was being spent on irrelevant keywords. Ouch!

It’s a best practice to optimize pay-per-click accounts every month for irrelevant keyword clicks. And this optimization task was not being done by the agency.

That’s not all . We found another problem.

The campaign was driving traffic to ACME’s homepage and an ineffective sign-up landing page.

In 12-months, the agency did nothing to create, improve, or optimize the landing pages for better performance.

Without question, the most important factor in converting online visitors into leads or customers is the landing page after they click.

The text or display ad on Google creates awareness … but the landing page creates interest, intent, and conversion.


How to Prepare

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    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

How to Get Started:

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    2. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
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Next Steps:

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    2. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    3. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Anthony Ragland
Published On: March 12, 2020 11:04 AM EST

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