Conversion Rate Optimization

Use Case for Conversion Rate Optimization Arrow

… let’s think about conversion rate optimization.

In this use case, ACME Corporation provides a software-as-a-service (SaaS) product to a B2B market of program managers.

Like all SaaS companies, the sign-up process is the most important conversion on ACME’s website.

Historically, ACME’s website converts 1% of its website traffic into new sign-ups.

As the CMO at Acme, you bring conversion rate optimization experience (CRO) to your team.

You instantly identify several friction issues with ACME’s sign-up page and user experience.

—-> Insert Example of Before Sign-Up Page

—-> Insert Example of After Sign-Up Page

How to Approach the Project:

A good starting point is to schedule a CRO meeting with your website team (or agency).

Demo the sign-up page to the team. Point out the friction in the user experience.

Outline the requirements to re-design + code a new sign-up page.

Assign responsibilities to your web team members.

Here are a few things to consider on your sign-up page to improve conversions:

  • Use a value-packed headline on your sign-up page.
  • Add a phone number on your sign-up page that rings to sales.
  • Place a couple of testimonials on your sign-up page.
  • Use color contrast to make the button bold and can’t miss.
  • Use a true marketing statement and trust logos for social proof.

How to Get Started:

Create a wireframe of the new ACME sign-up page (here’s a wireframe of the example above).

Share the wireframe with your web designer.

Ask your designer to design a new user interface for the sign-up page. The design needs to be responsive and mobile-first.

After the design is created and approved, send the design to your website developers to code into the ACME website.

In this use case, we did not A/B split test the new sign-up page we create -vs- the old sign-up page that was converting at 1%.

After launching the new sign-up page, ACME’s sign up page conversion rates increased to over 8%.

ACME’s website went from 3 new sign-ups per week to 3-new sign-ups per day.

Anthony Ragland
Friday February 14, 2020 9:40 AM EST

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